West Java is not only famous for its peak but also other beautiful tours and it's a pity to miss it like this one tourist spot, Situ Cileunca.
If you already know Situ Patenggang, surely you don't want to miss Situ Cileunca, Situ Cileunca itself is famous for its bright blue water color which makes it has its own beauty.
In addition to the cileunca tourist attractions that are also used as hydropower for the southern Bandung region, the lake which has an area of 1400 hectares also has a myth which is quite unique namely the process of making this lake.

This artificial lake was made by a Dutchman named Kuhlan, and it is unique to say that making this lake is not using hoes or other heavy equipment but using Halu. If you don't know halu yet, Halu, which is a rice pounder made of hard and strong wood, is quite unique right?
Situ Cileunca

Situ Cileunca
